by Editorial Staff

New Life Interfaith Ministries, Inc.
Continuing Education, Life Development
“For a dream comes through much activity ” Ecclesiastes 5:3
BLACK RESISTANCE : A Journey for Equality
National Museum African American History and Culture
Association for the Study of African American Life and History ([ASALH] February 1 – February 28, 2023
MISSION: This Project Focuses on Celebrating, Emphasizing, Uplifting, and Preserving Your Family History , Life, and Legacy
GOAL: To inform. To Inspire. To Ignite
In celebration of Black History Month aka African American History Month 2023, you are invited to get involved and actively participate by first researching, developing, and sharing your family tree beginning with yourself. This will serve as the initial stage in defining your family’s life and legacy.
It’s important to know from where you come. Look back to gain information, inspiration, and strength!
• Honor Who You ARE By Honoring From Where YOU Have Come.
• Preserve your family heritage. Each family has an unique heritage.
• Elevate Your Family History
• Preserve and pass on for future generations
• Identify the “Wings Beneath Your Wings”
Part 1. Family Tree – My Story – My Family History
1. Complete Family Tree Graphic Organizer
2. Obtain copy from Information Center
3. Use birth records, licenses, oral history, census records, death certificates,,, etc.
Part 2 Oral History – Storytelling
Get with your family and share stories (storytelling)
1. Interview the older Members of the Family, include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, other
2. If you do not capture this knowledge now, this unique information may not be available from any other person later once the person has passed on.
3. What was the person like? How did they move? How did they talk? Special memories. See
NLIM Fam, let’s help the Health and Wellness Ministry paint our sanctuary red for American Heart Month on Sunday, February 9 as we raise and spread awareness about heart disease and stroke in millions of women all over the world. Put on your reddest red — whether it be a lipstick, a pair of pants,
We are gearing up for our 2025 Free-2-Serve Projects! Alone we can do so little, but together we can accomplish anything! Sign up to assist us on Tuesday, February 11, from 11:30 – 1:30 PM, as we host a Valentine’s Social at McCoy Adult Day Care, where we will provide lunch, games, gift bags, and