by Editorial Staff

By reason of God’s anointing, my eyes are open to see resources that ordinary eyes cannot see.
I receive the release of unsolicited favors & increase.
I declare the destruction of every yoke around my life: financial bondage, disfavor, even empty-handedness, by reason of the anointing of Jesus, I decree that every limitation is broken!
Natural systems are put under supernatural pressure, losing their effectiveness, ability, grasp and grip, until all that is mine by the finished work of Jesus, enters into my hands.
The Lord multiplies all that I now have and adds everything I lack, until full recovery & divine provision manifests in my life.
I decree supernatural movement from extreme frustration to extreme provision in my life.
I now release upon me and my family, the grace to remain the Father’s sheep, submitting to, hearing and doing all He says and abiding under His authority, as we receive supernatural provision and supply, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
NLIM Fam, let’s help the Health and Wellness Ministry paint our sanctuary red for American Heart Month on Sunday, February 9 as we raise and spread awareness about heart disease and stroke in millions of women all over the world. Put on your reddest red — whether it be a lipstick, a pair of pants,
We are gearing up for our 2025 Free-2-Serve Projects! Alone we can do so little, but together we can accomplish anything! Sign up to assist us on Tuesday, February 11, from 11:30 – 1:30 PM, as we host a Valentine’s Social at McCoy Adult Day Care, where we will provide lunch, games, gift bags, and